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Attitude of Gratitude.

Malila Dávalos

Maria, our mother, cooks most Thanksgivings. A lot of people don’t know this but one of her hobbies is to cook and she’s damn good at it. She makes everything from carrot cakes to fine Mexican delicacies like pozole and chiles rellenos. A typical Thanksgiving for us includes not only the actual dinner, in fact, this is only about 20% of the real celebration. The true celebration is the preparation of the meal. From lugging a freshly killed turkey from the neighbor’s house to peeling the thousand russet potatoes that go into the BEST mashed potatoes ever made. This is the TRUE celebration; listening to music, talking and laughing and learning the recipes that have become our family staple for decades.

This Thanksgiving we wish you the peace that we have been blessed to enjoy on days like this. We wish you health to enjoy it with others and most importantly, we are thankful for you and for years of continued support of our creations.

Today we maintain the attitude of gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving

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Ideas Palomino, Inc

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